We are always looking for new ways to connect with our agricultural community. Many of our research projects have outreach components, such as creating factsheets or presenting at industry meetings. We write weekly IPM newsletters for many industry groups. We host students from local universities! Contact us for IPM workshops and guest lectures. Factsheets Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Darkling Beetle Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Weevils in Berry Crops Thrips in Potatoes – Information Sheet Protecting BC Potatoes – What Gardeners Can Do Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Downy Mildew On Hops Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Weevils in Nursery and Floriculture Evaluation of Thrips in Potatoes in a Changing Climate Protecting Pemberton Seed Potatoes Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Important Agricultural Weeds Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Western Corn Rootworm Managing Tuber Damage at Harvest Fraser Valley Emerging Pests – Spotted Wing Drosophila Potato Storage Diseases and Management Potato Diseases Brochure