We contract directly with growers to provide Integrated Pest Management monitoring services.
We monitor fields weekly for insects, mites, and disease, from crop emergence to harvest. For perennial crops, this means monitoring from April/May to August. Each week, we provide our growers and/or farm managers with a detailed report. For most of our clients, crop monitoring is charged on a per acre basis.
We use a variety of monitoring tools, depending on crop and pest. These may include visual inspection, sticky traps, pheromone traps, beating trays, sweep-net sampling, and inspection under the microscope.
Benefits of IPM to Growers.
Weekly Monitoring
Our technicians are on the ground in your fields each week, seeking known pests and anything new. We provide weekly reports which outline pest levels and highlight areas of concern.
Problem Identification
When a crop shows unusual symptoms, it can be difficult to know whether it is of concern. Our team works together to get to the bottom of any unusual symptoms or pests in your field.
Our team uses years of experience, field history, and monitoring data to determine when action is necessary to prevent economic loss.
Pesticide Reduction
The Integrated Pest Management approach involves using pesticides only when necessary. Our recommendations can help optimize your pesticide use, saving you money while reducing the amount of pesticides used.
Marketing Advantage
Consumers today are concerned about pesticide use. Using an IPM approach tells those consumers that you care about their health and the environment.
Regional Perspective
ES has been monitoring the Lower Mainland since 1988. We are familiar with the specific challenges our growers face. We are prepared to help you.