Cranberry Monitoring

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) service begins the first week of May (or once cranberries break dormancy) and continues until the end of August. We monitor presence and levels of pests and diseases weekly by using visual samples and pheromone traps. If a disease cannot be identified visually, we can send a plant sample to the BCAGRI lab for a separate fee.

We make recommendations for control only when deemed necessary to avoid economic loss. We provide our growers with a weekly detailed report after each visit.


What we look for

  • Sparganothis fruitworm

  • Weevils

  • Rosebloom

  • Root rot

  • Red leaf spot

  • Beneficial insects

  • Blackheaded fireworm

  • Cranberry fruitworm

  • Cranberry girdler

  • Cranberry tipworm

  • Dearness scale

  • Other caterpillars

  • Rusty tussock moth



It is important to note that IPM service involves the systematic sampling of the crop to assess overall trends in pest populations and does not provide an absolute count of the total pest population in a cranberry bed.


Let’s grow together.

Reach out to us to learn more about how we can improve your crops.