Tuber Flea Beetles Management

Have you been able to manage tuber flea beetles on your potato crop? We may start seeing a decrease in adult numbers over the next few weeks as we get over the peak overwintering adult activity, but levels could still be increasing in newly emerging fields.

• Tuber flea beetles can be recognized by their reddish antennae and legs, dulled colour and striations along their backs.
• Tuber flea beetles (TFBs) have two generations per year and overwinter as adults.
• Adults emerge in spring and migrate to potato fields to feed on plant foliage (creating “shot hole” type damage on leaves), and mate.
• It is important to spray for the adults before they lay eggs. The work being done right now to control TFB adults will prevent damage on the tubers from the second generation larvae.
• Well-rotated fields treated with a seed piece treatment do not usually require sprays for first generation of TFB. However, early-planted potatoes that were treated with a systemic insecticide may no longer be protected.


BC Potato Variety Trial Harvest


Post-Harvest Soil Sampling